Thursday 21 March 2013

Persuasive Writing

Over the last two weeks, we have been working super hard on our persuasive writing. Mrs M thinks that we are getting REALLLLLLLY good at creating convincing arguments......we just think kids are really good at convincing parents, so we already have heaps of skills in that area!

The other day Mrs M and the year two's worked together to write about whether or not television is good for kids. The year two's decided that T.V was not good for kids and here are the reasons why.....

T.V is NOT Good For Kids

We strongly believe that television is not good for children! There are many convincing reasons why children should not be watching too much T.V.

The first and most important reason why kids should definitely NOT be watching too much T.V is because too much T.V at night time can disrupt children's sleep. This is terrible because kids will become extremely exhausted at school during the day. Everybody knows that kids can't learn if they are tired!

The second reason why too much T.V is no good for kids, is that too much T.V can make kids lazy and unhealthy. If your child is glued to the couch watching T.V, they won't get enough exercise. This could cause your child to become fat and if you are too overweight, you could be in danger of getting diseases. You don't want that for your child do you.....?

The final reason why kids should not watch T.V is that kids might see inappropriate adult T.V shows or violent children's shows. Kids might choose to copy this violence and be rough at school, at home or even at the park!  It could also cause nightmares for children and disrupt their sleep.   

In conclusion, children should definitely NOT be watching too much television. Television causes disruption to children's sleep, it can make children lazy and unhealthy, and could even cause your child to have scary nightmares! Can't you see why T.V is so bad for your child!? We hope we have convinced you! 


We were pretty proud with our effort and even tried to use some 'WOW WORDS'. These words are highlighted and we use them to make our writing more convincing. What do you think? Should kids only be allowed to watch a certain amount of T.V? Post a comment and let us know!

Love T4


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